
Soviet Philosophical Works on the Web


Philosophical Works (from leninist.biz)


Marxist Philosophy

Marxist– Leninist Philosophy

Philosophy and Sociology

Scientific Communism (A Popular Outline)

The Scientific and Technological Revolution: Social Effects and Prospects

What Is Dialectical Materialism?

What Is Historical Materialism?

¿Qué Es El Materialismo Dialéctico?

Veritas: Fundamentos de la teoría leninista de la verdad y crítica de las concepciones idealistas modernas

Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works In Five Voluwes (Volume I)

Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works In Five Voluwes (Volume II)

Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works In Five Voluwes (Volume III)

Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works In Five Voluwes (Volume IV)

Georgi Plekhanov Selected Philosophical Works In Five Voluwes (Volume V)


Other Soviet Works (from leninist.biz)


Development of Revolutionary Theory By the CPSU

The Komsomol: Questions and Answers

Lenin the Great Theoretician

The Young Communist International and Its Origins


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